April 2010
Article, "Superwoman Schema: African American Women’s Views on Stress, Strength, and Health," appears in the May 2010 issue of Qualitative Health Research Journal (opens new window). Additionally, Dr. Woods-Giscombe passed the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Psychiatric Mental Health Adult Nurse Practitioner exam in December 2009 and is now a Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. She practices at CAARE, Inc., a non- profit organization that provides free medical care to underserved groups. CAARE, Inc. has a substance abuse treatment program with funding from SAMHSA and Medicaid. Dr. Woods-Giscombe plans to work at site within her faculty role at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; eventually, she plans to explore community based participatory research funding to extend mental health services at this facility.
April 2008
Cheryl Woods-Giscombe, PhD, RN was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Honors Society on April 12, 2008.
Additionally, in 2007 – 2008, Dr. Woods-Giscombe served as a Research Mentor to an underrepresented undergraduate nursing student who is a participant in the Research Enrichment Apprenticeship Program. This program is funded by NIH/NINR/National Center for Minority Health and Minority Health Disparities. As a direct result of receiving mentorship from Dr. Woods-Giscombe, the undergraduate student successfully presented her research at a national conference (Southern Nursing Research Conference) and will be graduating with honors (May 2008) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Woods-Giscombe’s manuscript, “Superwoman Schema and Emotional Suppression: Implications for Physical and Mental Well-Being of African American Women,” has been accepted for an oral presentation during the National Black Nurses Association’s (NBNA) Woman’s Health Institute, August 6, 2008, in Las Vegas, NV.