Each week a quote is shared for your consideration. Some quotes might offer comfort, hope, a challenge, a chuckle, or inspiration. You may or may not agree with the quote, but it is offered simply to help you reflect and ponder.
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
— Alice Walker
The MFP is an initiative staffed by ANA with funding from SAMHSA, making fellowships available to ethnic and racial psychiatric nursing students who are enrolled full time in an accredited master’s/doctoral nursing program.
This week’s recommended Health and Wellness Activity
Revisiting the ‘Unequal Treatment’ report, 20 years later (opens new window)
It was a never a secret. For decades, doctors and public health officials knew that racial and ethnic minorities experienced worse health outcomes than white Americans in nearly every category of disease and ailment—including heart disease, diabetes, HIV, and infant mortality. Until 20 years ago, however, they were split on the impact that health care quality had on those disparities. Read more (opens new window)
Hawaii bill seeks to prevent suicide in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations (opens new window)
The Hawaii Senate Committee on Health and Human Services Monday passed a bill that directs the Prevent Suicide Hawaii Task Force (PSHTF) to further focus its efforts on preventing suicide in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations. Specifically, HB 622 requires the task force to “examine, evaluate, and determine methods to improve education, awareness, support services, and outreach to best prevent suicides in Hawaii, particularly among Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.” Read more (opens new window)
What Are the Psychotherapy Needs of Incarcerated Individuals? (opens new window)
Just like other patients, individuals in jails and prisons may benefit from psychotherapy. There is a wide range of modalities that can be used and tailored to the particular needs of each person.The therapeutic methods used should depend on the treatment plan developed to match the needs of the individual receiving the psychotherapy with the resources available, including the skills of the therapist. Read more (opens new window)
Black patients adjust behavior to reduce chance of discrimination in health care settings, survey finds (opens new window)
A young mother in California’s Antelope Valley bathes her children and dresses them in neat clothes, making sure they look their very best — at medical appointments. “I brush their teeth before they see the dentist. Just little things like that to protect myself from being treated unfairly,” she told researchers. Read more (opens new window)

Congratulations to MFP/ANA alumnae Dr. Christopher Lance Coleman on his publication titled, “A systematic review of US nursing faculty’s knowledge, awareness, inclusion, and perceived importance of sexual and gender minority-related content in nursing curricula.” Read the publication
here (opens new window)
Congratulations to MFP/ANA alumna Dr. Tanya Sorrell on recently testifying in the Illinois Legislature for HB2- the Illinois Overdose Prevention Site Act. Learn more about the bill
here (opens new window).
Congratulations to MFP/ANA alumnae Dr. Bridgette (Brawner) Rice and Dr. Stephanie Ferguson on being invited to be keynote speakers for a dinner and research symposium hosted jointly by NYU Meyers College of Nursing and Howard University College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences to honor the legacy of nursing trailblazer Dr. Bernardine Mays Lacey and to recognize nursing's contributions to health equity. Dr. Ferguson will be the keynote dinner speaker on March 28. Dr. Rice, also former MFP/ANA National Advisory Committee (NAC) Chair, will be the keynote symposium speaker on March 29. Dr. Rice was also the keynote speaker during the recent Loyola Nursing’s 2023 Ruth K. Palmer Research Symposium. Learn more about the 2-day event and register here (opens new window)
Missed an episode from
season 1 or 2? Click
here to get caught up!
Mental Health Trailblazers – Psychiatric Nurses Speak Up! is the MFP/ANA podcast featuring the groundbreaking journeys of BIPOC psychiatric mental health nurses, in their quest to meet the urgent and unmet needs of under-represented communities in America.
Applications for our 2023-2024 cohort are now open! If you have ever considered earning a master’s or doctoral degree in psychiatric mental health nursing and identify as a member of an ethnic minority in the U.S., learn more about the MFP/ANA and apply today at
We also invite you to join one of our upcoming Office Hours where team members will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding the application. You can register for one or more of the dates that best fit your schedule here (opens new window):
The following may be of interest to you:
• American Public Health Association: For science. For action. For health: "Climate Justice and Children's Health: Inspiring Youth to Advocate for Climate Action."
About MFP
Funding for the MFP e-Newsletter was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 1H79SM080386-05 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written training materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.