April 2008
Anna Villena, PhD, RN: has successfully defended her dissertation at the University of California at San Francisco. Dr. Villena’s research focused on an interpretive study among individuals with co-occurring disorders in African American Communities.
Dr. Villena’s manuscript, “It’s A Struggle, It’s a challenge: Coping with Co-Occurring Disorders,” has been accepted for an oral presentation, August 6, 2008, during the National Black Nurses Association’s (NBNA) Mental Health Institute in Las Vegas, NV.
April, 2007
Poster presentation, “Health Management among Individuals with Mental Illness and Substance Abuse,” has been accepted for presentation at the 40th Annual Western Institute Nursing Conference, April 12 – 14, 2007, in Portland, OR.
September, 2006
Additionally, Anna gave birth to Corina Isabel Villena-Aldama on September 6, 2006 at 4:22am at the San Francisco University of California Medical Center. Corina Isabel weighed 5 lbs. and 14 oz. and measured 191/4 cm.
July, 2006
Anna Villena, MSN, RN is slated to present an abstract during the 17th International Nursing Research Congress July 20th in Montreal. The purpose of Ms. Villena’s presentation, "An Uphill Struggle, a Lifetime Battle: Experiences of Individuals with Mental Illness and Substance Abuse," is to understand and describe how individuals with co-occurring disorders of mental illness, substance abuse, and other chronic medical illnesses (COD) construct the meanings of health and illness; how individuals with COD manage their illnesses; and, the perceived impact of multiple illnesses within the lives of individuals with COD.