April 2008
Maureen Campesino, PhD, RN, was the recipient of the ANA President Award grant from the American Nurses Foundation. The goal of the grant is to explore perceived discrimination in cancer care delivery among elderly Spanish speaking Mexican Americans.
Campesino, M . & Schwartz, G.E. (2006). Spirituality among Latinas/os: Implications of culture in conceptualization and measurement. Advances in Nursing Science29 (1), 69-81.
Campesino, M . (2006). Homicide bereavement: Reflections on the therapeutic relationship in trauma research. Qualitative Inquiry . In Press.
Campesino, M. Beyond transculturalism: Critiques of cultural education in nursing. Provisionally accepted by the Journal of Nursing Education. Awaiting minor revisions
Campesino, M . (2005). A contemporary overview on dying and bereavement. Review of the book Dying, death, & bereavement: A challenge for living. Death Studies, 29 (4), 369-373.
Koithan, M., Bell , I & Campesino, M . (2005). Holographs and jigsaw puzzles: Processes of care and approaches to healing of classical homeopaths. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 10 Supplement 1: 29.