PhD, MS, RN, CS , Doctoral (Alumni)
Michelle DeCoux Hampton graduated from the University of California, San Francisco, School of Nursing’s PhD program in 2007 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship with the UCSF International Center for HIV AIDS Research and Clinical Training in Nursing in 2009. She was formerly Professor and Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Director at Samuel Merritt University, School of Nursing in Oakland, California and is currently a tenured Associate Professor San Jose State University's Valley Foundation School of Nursing.
Her research interests include ethnic disparities in mental health service utilization, medical co-morbidity, and recovery for African Americans with severe mental illness, as well as the support of scientific writing development in graduate nursing students. A registered nurse since 2004, Dr. Hampton has experience in caring for adults with mental illness in acute care psychiatry, community mental health, and skilled nursing settings prior to entering academia. In 2013, she was awarded the Sigma Theta Tau International (Nu Xi Chapter) for Excellence in Teaching. Throughout her work as a psychiatric nurse and as a nursing educator and scholar, she has engaged in research and published original research and review articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Prior to being awarded the ANA SAMHSA MFP fellowship, Dr. Hampton was awarded the National Institute of Mental Health Summer Research Fellowship, National Institute of Nursing Research Supplement for Underrepresented Minorities, UCSF Regents Opportunity Fellowship, and a Professional Nurse Traineeship. She is a member of the American Nurses Association, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, and the American Public Health Association.